Pool Care
Basic Swimming Pool Care Instructions

A swimming pool is not only an investment, but an extension of your home. Ultimate Pools wants you to enjoy your swimming pool and know the proper procedures for taking care of it. Please read our basic pool care instructions to make sure you are properly maintaining your pool.
- Remove lid on pump and fill with water.
- Replace lid and move multiport valve to the Filter position.
- Open valves marked Skimmer and close valve marked Vacuum.
- Turn power on to pump.
- Pressure gauge should read 12-18 lbs. when filter is clean.
(This operation is necessary when the pressure gauge reads 10 lbs. over clean pressure.) Turn heater off for five minutes before starting this operation!!!
- Turn power to pump off.
- Rotate handle on multiport valve to Backwash.
- Turn power to pump on.
- Run pump for 45 to 60 seconds.
- Turn power to pump off.
- Rotate handle on multiport valve to Rinse.
- Turn power to pump on.
- Run pump for 5 to 10 seconds.
- Turn power to pump off.
- Rotate handle on multiport valve to filter.
- Turn power to pump on.
Pressure gauge should read 12-18 lbs. when filter is clean.
- Chlorine level should be maintained between 1 and 3 ppm.
- Salt level should read between 2800 and 3400ppm on the display in the Control panel.
- If chlorine levels are lower than or higher than the normal range of 1-3 ppm; go into the settings menu, in the control panel, scroll through menu until you come to chlorine percentage. If chlorine reading is below 1 ppm, adjust the percentage up in increments of 10% per adjustment. If chlorine reading is above 3 ppm, adjust the percentage down in increments of 10% per adjustment.
- To super chlorinate (shock) your pool, press super chlorinate on the controller. After 12 hours of operation on super chlorinate, return controller to normal operation.
- Inspect your Turbo Cell every three months. See page 13 of your Hayward operation manual for detailed instruction.
SENSE & DISPENSE (If You Have This Equipment)
- PH should be maintained between 7.2 and 7.8 PPM. ORP readings should be maintained between 450 and 650 (may vary per pool conditions).
- If PH reading is above 7.8, make sure the acid feed tank is full. If acid feed tank is full you should clean the PH probe (see page 15 in the Sense & Dispense owners guide for instructions).
- If PH reading is below 7.2, check your alkalinity using a chemistry test strip. Alkalinity should be between 80 and 120 ppm. If alkalinity is low, add the required amount of alkalinity to the water. Allow 24 hours and check the PH reading again. If alkalinity is within the required range, you should clean the PH probe (see page 15 in the Sense & Dispense owners guide for instructions).
- If ORP reading is low, check your salt reading. If salt reading is low, add salt to the water. Allow 24 hours and recheck the ORP reading.
- If ORP reading is low and salt lever is within the required range, you should clean the ORP probe (see page 15 in the Sense & Dispense owners guide for instructions).
- ORP reading will be high after the pool has been shocked.
- Clean both Probe Sensors periodically (See Page 15 in Sense & Dispense book for Probe maintenance information.)
- Open valve marked “Vacuum”.
- Close valves marked Skimmer to the 2 o’clock position.
- Place cleaner with hose attached in water and insert hose into the Vacuum fitting in pool.
- Test water make adjustments as needed.
- If pH is high add pH minus, 1 lb per 10,000ga. of water.
- If salt level is to high remove some water from pool, refill with fresh water and check again the next day.
- If salt is to low add salt. There is a reference chart in the Operation Manual provided with your model of Saline Chlorinator.
- If cyanuric acid (pool stabilizer) levels are to high remove some water from pool, refill with fresh water and check again the next day.
- If cyanuric acid (pool stabilizer) levels are to low add pool stabilizer.
- test
- Brush walls of pool.
- Shock water, see Chlorine Generator operations.
- Bring water to Ultimate Pools for free computer water analysis.