
Pool & Spa Openings
- Remove cover
- Start up equipment and check for leaks
- Brush pool walls and vacuum debris
- Test water and adjust chemicals as needed
- Advise client of any needed repairs
- Leave yearly supply of chemicals if needed
Pool & Spa Closings
- Attach Safety Mesh Cover
- Winterize pool equipment
- Clean pool of debris & brush walls and tile
- Test water and adjust chemicals as needed
Pool & Spa Covers
- Mesh and Automatic Cover Installation
Pool & Spa Equipment Installation/Repair
- Our service technicians are specially trained on particular equipment such as saline generators, heaters, filtration systems, and more. They can repair any issue that may arise.
Pool & Spa Cleaning Maintenance
(This can be done based on the customer’s needs. Usually weekly, biweekly, or monthly.)
- Clean deck of debris
- Spot cleaning/vacuum
- Dumping skimmer baskets
- Brush tile/walls of pool
- Backwashing the filter
- Water Testing
- Adjusting chemicals as needed